Sunday, March 16, 2008

Something to tide you guys over...

All two of you. And one of you have seen this before anyways. LOL! Wedding stuff is totally ruling my life at the moment. It's going to be a great wedding, if the Hen's/Buck's night was anything to go by. Oh, and it's my sister getting married, not me. Anyway, to the art.

I drew this years and years ago. Back in 2000 or 2001. I never coloured it or shared it, but I thought I'd put it up now. :D

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Emo, this is for you.

I've just been asked whether there will be any more Blunder On strips, or if this blog is just a repository for all I've done.

Fear not, Emo, for there *will* be more Blunder On strips. For the next two to three weeks I will be thoroughly busy with other things, but once the month is over, then I intend to ink and colour the latest Blunder ON that I've pencilled.

Poor Sandy has been waiting for these damned strips for years. I'm sorry it's taking me so long, darling!

And thank you for the support, Emo. I really appreciate it!

Much love,