Friday, February 22, 2008

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 28

Right-click and select 'view image' to see at full size.

And that's it, folks! The entire backlog of Weekly Slices! Tomorrow I'll post my backlog of Monthly Installments.

And keep checking the blog! A brand spankin' new strip will be out next week!

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 27

Right-click and select 'view image' to see at full size.

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 26

Right-click and select 'view image' to see at full size.

Okay. So I kinda forgot my own rule that Weekly Slices aren't continuing strips. These next three Weekly Slices are special editions. I'm going to change the format of the Blunder On cartoons after I've posted my backlog anyhow. ;D

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 25

For some reason, this one always cracks my shit up. It's my favourite.

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 24

Right-click and select 'view image' to see at full size.

Remember, folks! Denial is bliss!

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 23

Who doesn't love Jace? ;D

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 22

Right-click and select 'view image' to view at full size.

The things you learn from Chin!

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 21

Right-click and select 'view picture' to see at full size.

I know, totally out of character for her, but damn, if it wasn't fun to draw. A GJ can dream, can't she? ;D

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 20

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 19

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 18

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 17

Right-click and select 'view image' to see at full size.

Not quite authorial/artist insertion, but still pretty goofy! ;)

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 16

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 15

Right-click and select 'view picture' to see at full size.

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 14

No, I'm not a Jar-Jar fan. I just saw the joke and went with it! ;D

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 13

Right-click and select 'view image' to see at full size.


Blunder On: Weekly Slice 12

Yes, I actually did subtext here. :D Everyone's a little bit gay ;)

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 11

Right-click and select 'view image' to see at full size.

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 10

Asterix & Obelix (c) Goscinny and Uderzo.

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 09

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 08

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 07 (there is no number six)

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 05

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 04

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 03

(Apparently Ted really liked this one... ;D)

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 02

Blunder On: Weekly Slice 01

Blunder On: Weekly Slices and Monthly Installments!

Weekly Slices' are the quick little one panel comics I used to do weekly. Monthly Installments were usually a full page of comic.

As time went on, the Weekly Slices got multi-panelled, and I stopped making the Monthly Installments all together.

The distinction still exists, though. Like original Star Trek, each Weekly Slice is a new day, a new situation, completely unrelated to other Weekly Slices. Where-as Montly Installments are often continuations, a longer joke with something resembling a plot.

Hope that clears up any confusion!

Hey everyone, welcome to the brand spankin' new blog for Blunder On!

I started this comic back in 1997. There was a great little comic called "Battle On" on Tom's Xena Page, one of the busiest and most complete Xena sites back in the day. It was great, but it tended to rag on Joxer a bit, and focus on the subtext. It was great, but not my personal cup of tea. The Joxer fans were (are) a dogged bunch of fans who were often greatly misunderstood, but fiercely loyal to their favourite fool. I thought, being a fan, and enjoying the characters so much, there was no reason why I couldn't do my own Joxer-centric comic.

Thus Blunder On! was born. One year a friend of mine printed all the cartoons and comic strips out and made a booklet, which she gave to Ted Raimi himself. He apparently liked them very much, and never had I been so thrilled in my life. I like making art for the people I admire. It was my joy to meet Ted in 2001 at the Pasadena Xena con. He was incredibly sweet and generous with his time. A top bloke all around! Do visit his Myspace and add him! He's still doing great work and deserves our support.

I stopped doing Blunder ON! a while to concentrate on my original comics. It's come to the point where I'm good enough to do all at once. ;)

So - what now? I'm going to be filling up this blog with all the comics I've done so far. For some it'll be a walk down memory lane. For others, it'll be a new, fun adventure!

So, get settled and enjoy the trip!

All my love,